Saudagar Minang Raya



Absen Kehadiran Anggota Tahunan KSMR 2023

Masukan nama anggota untuk menghadiri acara Rapat Anggota Tahunan KSMR

Bapak/ibu anggota Koperasi Saudagar Minang Raya yang kami hormati.

Sehubungan dengan Rapat Anggota Tahunan (RAT) KSMR, maka dengan ini kami melampirkan list keikut sertaan RAT SMR 2023.

Untuk itu, kami akan kirimkan list peserta RAT untuk di isi dan akan dikoordinir oleh panitia.

TTD : Panitia RAT 2023
Cc : Ketum dan sekum KSMR.
Dress Code:
Pria : Baju Koko warna Putih+Peci+Sarung.Celana warna Gelap.
Wanita : Baju kurung, warnanya bebas saja.



Absen Kehadiran Anggota Tahunan KSMR 2023

Masukan nama anggota untuk menghadiri acara Rapat Anggota Tahunan KSMR

Bapak/ibu anggota Koperasi Saudagar Minang Raya yang kami hormati.

Sehubungan dengan Rapat Anggota Tahunan (RAT) KSMR, maka dengan ini kami melampirkan list keikut sertaan RAT SMR 2023.

Untuk itu, kami akan kirimkan list peserta RAT untuk di isi dan akan dikoordinir oleh panitia.

TTD : Panitia RAT 2023
Cc : Ketum dan sekum KSMR.
Dress Code:
Pria : Baju Koko warna Putih+Peci+Sarung.Celana warna Gelap.
Wanita : Baju kurung, warnanya bebas saja.


App Dashboard


Datascript – Wacom

In this project, ARCOM developed a very interesting digital platform.

This platform works as a ‘bridge’ between Above The Line (ATL) advertising & Below The Line (BTL) Campaign. This platform has advantages in the features resembling semi social media in the frontend and dashboard side, which contains a database of all related matters with BTL campaigns (events, workshops, brand activation, etc).

With this platform, Clients can analyze & measure the success of an event accurately and see
the impact of these events on sales and brand awareness in realtime, anytime and anywhere.
Furthermore, front end features are developed so it enables clients to do structured digital marketing and have much potential to create a strong viral effect.


CSR Pertamina

It is a proposal for the activation of PT. Pertamina Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR ) by objectively introducing the potential use of renewable energy to society. KAMPUNG ENERGI is a real work program that will be implemented by Pertamina together with the community in a location with the purpose of processing materials basic ingredients that can be used as alternative renewable energy for broader needs.

The working mechanism to be implemented is a top-down & bottom-up model between Pertamina and their stakeholders. The result of implementing this KAMPUNG ENERGY program is a prototype that can help people on a certain scale to get used to using renewable energy sources in addition to pre-existing energy sources. The existence of this Kampung Energi will be campaigned nationally through various media and will be tested in several places that have been previously observed.


Annual Report bank bjb Syariah

Supported by the experienced designer team, ARCOM helps several clients in Preparing & Producing Annual Reports__one of them is the bank bjb Syariah.

By prioritizing aesthetic aspects without forgetting the communication aspects of the brand, ARCOM prepared everything starting from the design concept, page layout, and copywriting until produce digital annual reports in softcopy format.

The implemented design is a design that can por

tray the spirit of bank bjb Syariah, and also represents their corporate culture. Ultimately, the objective of this design is to give a strong impressions to stakeholders about accountability, enthusiasm and commitment of bank bjb Syariah.


bjb Goes Digital

bank bjb is a 15th ranked national bank and the 1st regional bank in Indonesia that entrusts the development of its mobile banking services to ARCOM since 2018.

The latest version to be launched in this mid-2019 is updated from previous versions with changes in features & UI & UX which is very supporting.

ARCOM is trusted to redesign the front end and UI & UX from bjbDigi to appear more modern, contemporary and user friendly.


Kintakun – from zero to Hero

From the aspect of brand awareness, bed linen & bedcover KINTAKUN brand has increasedsignificantly between 2010 and 2014. Until year 2010 awareness level of this brand did not enter into Top 10 for the same product category. But based on the results of research reportsof MARKETING magazine published in 2015, the KINTAKUN brand is ranked# 2 in terms of awaress brand for bed linen & local bedcover.

This could happened because they had massive campaign over a period of time 2010 – 2014, supported by the right campaign content and media strategy.

ARCOM helped realizing this achievement for 4 years in the same period of time.

Starting from TVC content for broadcast campaigns, graphic content for Out of Home (OOH) campaign and offline Point of Purchase to develop KINTAKUN’s digital assets starting from social media, owned media and YouTube Channel.

The research results of MARKETING magazine for the KINTAKUN brand is a proud fact because ARCOM can concretely provide real contributions to the client.